Rainbows and Windows

Let your true colors light up your life. Access the Window of Opportunity for Positive Change.

Rainbows and Windows Services

Rainbows and Windows, Inc. Where Behavior, Academics, Family, and Community, connect to find Success.  Through various workshops and socializing experiences individuals will build soft skills, while increasing family connections and strengthening their communities.


In today’s constantly changing world, youth can experience exceptional challenges with social media, in schools, with peer pressure, within the family structure, and with the community at large. Rainbows and Windows presents workshops and other opportunities that assists in developing positive skills which enhance the day-to-day lives of young people and families to assist in accessing a growth mindset. This strengthens their positive contribution to their future, their family and the larger community. These services build the personal skills required to build self-esteem, increase effective communication, promote a sense of belonging to the larger community and encourages each individual to take responsibility for making positive personal choices.